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Advantages Of Pre-K Programs

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A lot of parents feel bad when they make the decision to send their small child to a preschool program. They feel like they are sending their child somewhere away from them and worry that their child will feel scared, lonely, or even forgotten. Some parents get it in their head that all their child is going to do at pre-k is to think about them and cry. While it is true that some children will cry the first day, or even the first few days when they are dropped off, the children soon find things to do and get involved with learning, playing, and making friends. If you are thinking about sending your own child to a pre-k program, you'll be interested in the positive things your child will experience, so the information below will be useful: 

Your child will gain independence

If your child has mainly been at home with you most of the time, then they are used to having you there. If they are upset, then they run to you; if they are bored, then they follow you; and if they are scared, then they cling to you. Your child will learn to be more independent and self-assured by going to a pre-kindergarten program. They will learn how to soothe themselves when they are upset, how to entertain themselves, and how to calm themselves down. 

Your child will be better prepared for kindergarten

While kindergarten is the first year many children will be attending any type of school, even having never gone to preschool before, children are generally expected to have some knowledge of some of the subjects upon entering kindergarten. The preschool will have educational programs in which they will teach your child the things they are expected to know upon entering kindergarten, such as how to spell their whole name, how to recognize letters, how to spell some words, how to do simple math equations, etc. 

Your child will learn how to communicate with others

When your child goes to a pre-k program, they will learn how to communicate with the other children and how to work out problems in a productive manner. Many children start preschool programs having issues with sharing, and this is one of the things that pre-k programs are prepared to work on with these children. They will learn things like how to share, how to deal with anger at other children without hitting, how to express themselves, and how to work with other children as a team.
